Bank transfer
Today, online banking makes it easy to give one-off gifts via your device. If you would like to make a gift to the church by bank transfer, please use the bank details below.
Standing Order
Giving by standing order is the easiest and most efficient way to give regularly – you don’t have to remember your wallet or purse each week and you can prayerfully organise your giving ahead of time. To set up a standing order you need to go to your bank quoting our bank details, below:
Account number: 18774237; Sort code: 60-05-16
Secure online giving
Below are links to our secure online giving facility. When you make a donation, you will have the option to set up a Paythru account that saves your details for any future giving. A minimum gift of £2 is required to use this service.
Sunday offering
If you prefer to give using cash or cheque then you can put an offering in the baskets at our Sunday gatherings. Cheques should be made payable to 'Hope Church, Corby'. If you are registered for Gift Aid, please put your gift in an envelope with your name so we can claim Gift Aid on your gift (see above). If you haven't yet registered for Gift Aid, please speak to Paul Bower, our Elder responsible for Finance.
For those who prefer the convenience of giving by card, there is also a card machine available during the offering.

Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a scheme that allows churches to reclaim tax from HMRC on all charitable giving. That means Gift Aid can increase the value of your donations by 25%. So, it you are a UK tax-payer, please consider filling out a Gift Aid declaration below and returning it to Paul Bower (our Elder with responsibility for Finance).