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Our Sunday groups

    • Tiny Treasures - This is a group for pre-school children
    • Little Creations - This is a group for Reception and Year 1 children
    • Firecrackers - This is a group for children in Years 2, 3 & 4
    • Transformers - This is a group for children in Years 5 & 6

What your child can expect

We want every child at Hope Church to feel safe and valued at all times. Our aim is to provide kids groups that are enjoyable, interactive, fun and engaging. We want children to learn about Jesus and what it means to follow him whilst building strong and meaningful friendships with the other children and adults in their groups.

Tiny Treasures (Pre-school)

This is our family room in which we welcome babies and young children. We have changing and feeding facilities for parents to stay with young babies and once your child is walking, you are welcome to leave him/her with our experienced volunteers.

Little Creations (Reception & Year 1)

In this group, children will have the opportunity to discover the Bible, sing songs and take part in craft activities as well as taking time for free play and sharing a snack with their friends.

Firecrackers (Years 2-4)

Children will begin the session with a time of worship and prayer before splitting into smaller groups for Bible teaching, discussion, games and an activity.

Transformers (Years 5-6)

The session will begin with a time of worship and prayer before splitting into smaller groups for Bible teaching, discussion, games and an activity.

Sunday Registration

Please note that Hope Kids registration closes at 10:30am. Please try to arrive early to register your child for their group to avoid disappointment.

Hope Kids YouTube Playlist

Get in touch

If you would like to find out about any area of our kids work or get involved, please email Amanda McPhie at amanda@hopecorby.org