Our mission

 (Our raison d'etre as a church)

We want to be a church of 'passionate DISCIPLES in loving COMMUNITY, living MISSIONALLY'

Our vision

(Where we're heading as a church)

An Expanding Family

We want to be a healthy, growing church that regularly sees people becoming followers of Jesus.

A Discipleship Pathway

We want to people to grow as disciples of Jesus by helping them discover the next steps to take on their journey of faith.

Thriving Life Groups

We want to see everyone in the church become a full and active part of a midweek Life Group.

A Culture of Equipping

We want to develop the Hope Academy, with a focus on three key areas: 1. Spiritual Formation; 2. Ministry Equipping; and 3. Leadership Development.

The Big Blue Bus

We want to develop the bus ministry as a mobile base for outreach.

Supporting Missions

We want to enthusiastically support and generously resource the work of God in other parts of the world.

A New Home

We want a permanent home for the Hope Church family: a landmark building that will be a place of worship, a base for ministry and a hub for the community.

Planting New Churches

We want to facilitate planting new churches in our region, including training and supporting church planters and their teams.

Our values

(The kind of church we want to be)

  • A church with Jesus at the centre
  • A church that loves and obeys the Word of God
  • A church with discipleship at its core
  • A church that is family
  • A church with a missionary heart
  • A church that honours and seeks the presence of God
  • A church of people living naturally-supernatural lives
  • A church where everyone finds their place in ministry
  • A church that is ready to take God-inspired steps of faith
  • A church with compassion for the lost, the hurting and the marginalised
  • A church with a culture of radical generosity
  • A church with a deep commitment to unity